Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Weekend Recap!

This past weekend was a quickie but a goodie! I worked Friday night and we were absolutely slammed at work- LOTS of deliveries! 
Why do all the babies always have to come all at once?!?! 
I was exhausted but very excited for a weekend at home, even if it was just 2 days! 
Hubby had everything packed and ready to go- we hit the road as soon as I got home! Two hours later we were home! 
My adrenaline at this point was still going strong. It was beautiful weather and we sat outside with my parents talking non stop and catching up! 
Finally I was ready for a nap, my parents and Joel went to the driving range while I slept. 
I hated to miss it but a nap was necessary. 
We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon with walking the dogs and making a fabulous dinner. 

We always make time for a family shot! And I'll be retuning this shirt since I totally look preggo here ugh! 
My Mom is SUCH a good cook, she NEVER uses a recipe and just comes up with the most amazing dinners EFFORTLESSLY. 

We made pork tenderloin that she marinaded in garlic, cilantro, and Montreal steak seasoning ha ha
We seared it in a hot cast iron skillet (I need to purchase this kitchen staple ASAP) 
on both sides and then added some butter, mushrooms and a splash of red wine. The into the oven for 20 minutes to finnish cooking. The end result was super tender and juicy pork with mushroom and a little gravy sauce. We served it with mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus. 
I'm a big fan of asparagus- its really simple to roast in the oven with olive oil, salt and pepper. This time we added slices of lemon on top. I will never go back to the old way! This is such a simple step that adds a TON of flavor and aroma! i love how lemon can really freshen up any dish! 
We definitely enjoyed dinner! 

Dessert is something that I can't say we're always as good with! Mom and I and are self proclaimed "baking challenged". It's not really something we try to master- we're not the best at it, and we don't really care because we don't exactly enjoy baking. We do however LOVE to eat sweets ha ha!

We made a very simple and easy dessert though that didn't disappoint!
Store bought pound cake... yes we cut corners with this step!
Homemade whip cream.... we didn't slack off here!
Fresh strawberries!
cooking up a storm!

homemade whip cream YUM!
Saturday morning we were up at at em' early! My Mom made her special pancakes (always my request)!
We then left the boys and home to hang and enjoy the basketball games while Mom and I hit up our normal shopping stores target and TJ Maxx! 

Joel and I then headed over to see some of our best friends! The Negrea's! They recently bought their first home, and we recently became their first born- sweet Emalyn's God parents. We hadn't seen them since Christmas so we had a TON to catch up on! Jen and I are super close and it's really nice that are husbands are great friends as well. We always say Joel and Gabi are like two peas in a pod!

How stinking cute!!!
We spent the beautiful day on their back patio relaxing, sipping cocktails and grilling out. 
Pink sparkling Moscato to celebrate sweet Emalyn
The boys exploring in the creek
Hudson has always been crazy in love with Emalyn
The feeling was mutual! ha ha!

love this sweet little munchkin!
SO good to spend time with a wonderful friend!
sporting her new dress!

A true natural :)
It was the perfect weekend at home! We can't wait to visit again soon!


  1. We make our asparagus the same way...it is the best that way :)

  2. Omg that puppy and Emalyn are so cute together!!!

  3. I love this blog. You are SO creative, my sweet girl.

    Love you all. Mom

  4. Whoa -- I know Jennifer! We used to work together -- at a crazy place. Ask her about it :) Such a small world!

    You are going to love Folly BTW ... make sure to get a frozen screwdriver from Taco Boy -- its a right of passage.
