Monday, April 23, 2012

The Rancics are Preggo!!!

I don't know about ya'll, but I'm a huge fan of the show 'Giuliana and Bill'
I've been quite the loyal follower, watching every season
always on the edge of my seat for their 
BIG announcement.
That day is here and they just announced via the Today show that finally they're expecting a baby thanks to their gestational carrier!
I'm such a dork- of course I cried! 
{and searched for the video so that I could watch the announcement- because this girl is a GMA watcher}
My husband I'm sure thinks I'm completely nuts now!
What a way to send my hubby off to work by me crying at a celebrity being preggo!
In all seriousness though I am sincerely very happy for them!
In my line of work as a mother baby nurse sadly it's not as common as one would think to see a family that really wants and is super happy to have their little baby.
I know it's sad.
So seeing their incredibly long journey play out and finally have a happy ending is just so nice!
They definitely we're due for some good news!
Now I just am dying to know if it's a boy or girl!
Congrats Rancics!


  1. You are not the only one...I am obsessed with them and their show and I am SO SO excited for their big news!! They definitely deserve it after the couple of years they have had! My hubby thinks I am crazy too :)

  2. Yay Rancics!! I was so excited to hear the news as well :) great post!

  3. Love your blog! I am your newest follower!
