Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Laundry makes me smile!

I'm still here- just very busy and haven't have much time to blog lately!
Slacker I know- I do promise to get better- please don't give up on me yet!!

This is completely random but I have to share a picture that made me so happy this morning. I came home to tons of laundry folded by my sweet husband. ALL of our crazy amount of laundry was folded neatly and organized on our bed. 

How two people can make SO much laundry I don't think I'll ever understand.
You are probably thinking.... ugh well where did he sleep?!?!
On the couch of course!
This is where he sleeps almost every night I work ha ha!
I like to think it's because he can't sleep without me in bed beside him....
but not so much! ha!
The boy can sleep anywhere, through anything.

True story- I've gotten off the elevator and have heard his alarm going off from down the hall.... and walk in to find him fast asleep.
The boy is a PRO sleeper!
He has gotten MUCH better thank goodness!
Lord knows I'll be hoping this changes by the time a little bambino comes around!
Well a girl can hope :)

Anyways I know it's something so small, but this sweet gesture 
COMPLETELY made my day! 
He does help me around our place with cleaning and chores some but I have voiced lately I feel like I'm doing a LOT more....glad to know he was listening and cared enough to do something that for him is no big deal (clothes everywhere doesn't bother him in the least) but to me is something very important!

So one good husband point to you babe! 
{Lately we've been giving each other points for good spouse moves... what the points bring... no clue! But it cracks us up and makes us want to work even harder to keep that spark!}