Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Girl Chat

I consider myself SUPER lucky to have such a wonderful group of girlfriends.
 Most of us have been friends for 9+ years!
(Ugh I feel old all of a sudden)
This past Tuesday me and two of my besties : Lizzy or "Lizam" and I call her in my most crazy country voice you can imagine and Molly went to Nolens Kitchen for a girls night!
It was meant to be because it was also 1/2 off bottle of wine night!

I NEED this glass badly! - urban outfitters
A little (or a lot) of girl chat, LOTS of laughing, great vino, yummy food, and an awesome patio setting... well it can't get more perfect!
 It was just what the doctor ordered to power me through the rest of this week!
The weeks just keep more and more busy, and flying by in the blink of an eye.
I feel like the older I get the more this happens- the days just disappear. 

I feel like this is me quite often- the silent laugh and clapping of the hands ha ha! 
We shared lots of good quality girl chat! When we got up to leave we headed out to our cars and then somehow managed to stand in the parking lot for another 20+ minutes still chatting it up! 
That's how you know your wonderful girl friends it's hard to stop the chat and go home!
Looking so forward to this coming weekend and celebrating Molly's big 27! 


  1. This perfectly sums up the night! You definitely clap your hands and silently laugh when something is really funny... you don't look like a retarded seal though. ;)

    Love it and you!

  2. Aww, this does sum it up perfectly :) What a wonderful evening and a preview for tomorrow night! Love you girls!

  3. Stumbled across your blog and just wanted to say, your fur baby is so cute! I'm obsessed with pugs and bulldogs are a close second place in my cuteness book :)

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.
